We are always looking for members to step up and give back!  If you would like to be part of a committee, we won’t turn you away.  Please contact any member of the executive for more information on how you can become involved with your local.



We meet a couple of times each year in early May and bring forward ideas for our PD days for the following school year.  Current members of this committee are listed below.  If you would be interested in sitting on this committee, please speak to a member of the executive.  Each year at our April General Meeting, we will appoint a committee.

Brenda Klein – Theresa Ametohe – Karen Dow – Travis Bugden – Lisa Sibbald



One of the ways we would like to “give back” is through a scholarship to a graduating student.  COMMITTEE MEMBERS are needed to get this up and running.  If you are interested in this, please speak to an executive member today.



Doesn’t this sound like nothing but fun?  COMMITTEE MEMBERS needed.  We have always found that there is a lot of benefit to getting together as a group as well as with other co-workers.  One way that we do this is through the annual WTA/CUPE Curling Bonspiel.  If you are thinking that you would like to get more involved but have a ton of time to commit, this is the perfect opportunity for you.  Please speak with one of the executive members about becoming a part of this fun filled group.



We are anxious to get to the table.  Hopefully into the new year we will be able to begin bargaining our next contract.  Some members of the committee have been elected already.  Stay tuned for updates on our bargaining process.

Lisa Sibbald – Greg Loeppky – Lana Pedersen – EMMS Rep: Vacant – Adult Ed Rep: Vacant