Collective agreement
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities in the workplace. If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment at work, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.
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Code of Conduct
CUPE Local #5238
Educational Assistants of WSD
Code of Conduct
The mandate of our local (5238) is to support and defend each other and all members of our local. In carrying out our work, we strive to promote our core values which include solidarity, equality, democracy, integrity and respect both in the workplace and society. We must be committed to mobilizing our energy and skills to work together to promote these values and to attain these goals in our union, our local, our school and our communities.
We are committed to creating a local that is inclusive, welcoming, and free from harassment, discrimination and all types of bullying and intimidation. Our local needs to ensure that we are providing and participating in the idea of a safe environment for all of our members, other staff, students and elected officers. The local’s expectation is that mutual respect, understanding and co-operation will be the basis of all of our interactions.
The code of conduct sets out standards of behaviour for all members in the workplace. It is consistent with the expectations as outlined in the Equality Statement and CUPE Constitution.
This Code of Conduct is intended to deal with complaints of inappropriate behaviour within the workplace that arise between members. It isn’t intended to take the place of the harassment policy as outlined by Western School Division. It serves as a starting point to deal with such matters prior to escalation of more formal from the division.
As CUPE members and elected officers, we commit to one another and to be governed by the principles of the Code of Conduct and agree to:
• Abide by the provisions of the Equality Statement.
• Respect the views of others, even when we disagree.
• Recognize and value individual differences.
• Communicate openly.
• Support and encourage each other.
• Make sure that we do not harass or discriminate against each other.
• Commit to not engaging in offensive comment or conduct.
• Make sure we do not act in ways that are aggressive, bullying, or intimidating.
• Make sure we are not interfering, either verbally or otherwise, in the support or programming of a student by another member of the local or staff person when we haven’t been directed or invited to do so.
• Make sure that we are, at all times, modeling appropriate, positive behaviour.
Harassment is objectionable behaviour which may include actions, language, gestures, and/or written material, and which the harasser knows or ought reasonably to know, is abusive and unwelcome. Bullying is a form of harassment which is serious ongoing behaviour which targets an individual or group and which threatens that person or persons’ mental and/or physical well-being.
Complaints regarding the Code of Conduct will be handled as follows:
1. If possible, a member may attempt to deal directly with the person alleged to have engaged in behaviour contrary to the Code by asking him/her to stop such behaviour. If that is not possible, or if it does not resolve the problem, a member may bring forward a complaint.
2. The complaint should be brought to any member of the local Executive who will discuss, review, and come to a resolution regarding the complaint, with the Executive Board of the local. If the complaint involves any member of the Executive Board, that member will not sit in on the process.
3. If the Executive Board fails to resolve the matter, discussions with the Executive Board and school administrators &/or division superintendent will occur.
The Code of Conduct is designed to create a safe, respectful and supportive environment between all of the members of the local and within all schools. It is meant to enhance the rights and obligations of all members.
November 2019
Benefits for CUPE 5238 members are provided through Blue Cross. If you have concerns or feel you have been unfairly denied, please talk to your steward or a member of the executive.
Sunlife Financial is our pension plan holder. We have a local representative that can be contacted regarding any questions you may have in regards to your pension plan. Reg Braun can be reached at the link below.
CUPE Membership has its privileges. Click the link below to see businesses that offer discounts to CUPE member .